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Rainy Day Quiz

Rainy Day Quiz
Price includes 20 persons.


FoRestfulinu@forestful.fi+358 50 5413252Company id:2005748-5Merchant terms

Rainy Day Quiz

Which team wins! Fun and exciting quiz played in teams indoors!​​​

In this activity we test the wit of your team with different puzzles, questions, animal sounds, riddles etc. 

This indoor activity is well suited for a rainy day.

​​The team with most correct answers is rewarded with a small prize.

  • 400€ + VAT 25,5% / 20 persons (for groups bigger than 20 persons please ask a separate quatation)

  • The price doesn't include the cost of the meeting room

  • Duration 1 h

  • Max group size 100 (for bigger groups please ask for availability)

  • This activity can be arranged all year around

  • The price is including a water bottle for all players

  • The game and guiding is available both in Finnish and English 

  • Location: Nature Center Haltia, Hotel Majvik, Hotel Hanasaari, Hotel Nuuksio, Backby Manor, Hotel Korpilampi, Hotel Lepolampi, Hawkhill Cottage Resort, Haltia Lake Lodge, Hotel Sveitsi, Bodom Manor, Hotel Matts, Koiviston Huvila, Wohls Gård, Työväen Akatemia  

NOTE!    Activity is not available in the webshop, please ask more information and availability:   inu@forestful.fi  /  +358 50 5413252


Inu Pelli

Nature and wilderness guide