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Herbs go Wild

€450.00 / 1 h 30 min
Price includes 10 persons.Extras:
  • €45.00


FoRestfulinu@forestful.fi+358 50 5413252Company id:2005748-5Merchant terms

Herbs Go Wild!

Join us into the rich world of wild herbs - Superfood of nature!

Wild plants are nutritional powerhouses; they are rich in nutrition and flavours. The nettle for example contains six times more iron than spinach! In addition, they are ecological and sustainable, local and free!

We will explore the nearby surroundings and find ten most common Finnish wild herbs and vegetables. You will learn how to recognise them, where to forage, how to use them in cooking and store the catch for the long winter season. The program also includes information of the positive health benefits you get from spending time in nature and tasting of snacks made of the wild, green gold of nature.

  • 45€ + VAT 25,5% per person. Minimum charge is for 10 persons

  • Duration of the activity is 1,5 h or according to your wishes. The lenght of the walk can also be modified to your group

  • Max group size 40 (for bigger groups please ask for availability)

  • Available: May - September

  • Location: Nature Center Haltia, Hotel Majvik, Hotel Hanasaari, Hotel Nuuksio, Backby Manor, Hotel Korpilampi, Hotel Lepolampi, Haltia Lake Lodge, Hotel Sveitsi, Koiviston Huvila, Wohls Gård, Työväen Akatemia  

What to pack:  Outdoorsy clothing matching the weather and good shoes to walk in nature. In case of rain we will provide good and comfortable rain capes. Water bottle is included.

NOTE!    Activity is not available in the webshop, please ask more information and availability:   inu@forestful.fi  /  +358 50 5413252


Inu Pelli

Nature and wilderness guide, wild herb instructor

Being in nature not only makes you feel better emotionally but it contributes to your physical wellbeing by reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones only after 10 minutes!