Archery and Axe Throwing!
Join us for this interesting and fun activity outdoors together with your group! Activity is easy and no special skills needed.
The winner team is rewarded with a small prize.
42€ + VAT 25,5% per person. Minimum charge is for 10 persons
Duration of the activity is 1,5 hours
Maximum group size is 40. For bigger groups please ask for availability
Can be arranged in spring, summer and autumn
Location: Nature Center Haltia, Hotel Nuuksio, Hotel Korpilampi, Hotel Lepolampi, Hawkhill Cottage Resort, Haltia Lake Lodge, Hotel Sveitsi, Koiviston Huvila, Wohls Gård, Työväen Akatemia
What to pack: Outdoorsy clothing matching the weather. In case of rain we will provide good and comfortable rain capes. Water bottle is included.
NOTE! Activity is not available in the webshop, please ask more information and availability: / +358 50 5413252
Inu Pelli
Nature and wilderness guide
Being in nature not only makes you feel better emotionally but it contributes to your physical wellbeing by reducing blood pressure, heart rate, muscle tension, and the production of stress hormones only after 10 minutes!